Registration for the 2025 summer season will open on February 1, 2025. Before clicking on the Registration Link button below, many questions regarding registration (e.g., age groups, pricing, etc.) can be found in the text summary on this page. Please review before proceeding with registration. Thank you for your interest in Embro FC! We look forward to seeing you on the pitch in 2025.
Embro FC is excited to announce that registration for the 2025 Embro minor soccer season will open on February 1, 2025. Pease go to embrosoccer.ca to register and follow the link to the Registration page. There are registration limits for all age groups – so don’t delay and register early to secure your spot. Registration is open until March 22, 2025, at midnight, or until spots in a specific age division are full. There are registration limits for all age groups – so don’t delay and register early to secure your spot!
Register before March 1, 2025, and take advantage of our Early Bird rates ($80 for Tykes and Peanuts; $150 for older age groups). On March 1, 2025, prices will rise to $95 and $165 respectively. For U9 – there are three registration options. For $100, you can register your child to play once a week in our house league program in Embro on Tuesdays; or for $100, you can register your child to play once a week for Embro U9 in the Inter-County League on Thursdays. What is the third option? For $150, your U9 player can play on Tuesday in the house league program in Embro, and they can play on Thursdays for Embro U9 in the Inter-County League. Thursday night will involve both games in Embro and in other centres like the older age groups. Late fees ($115 and $165, respectively) for U9 will apply on March 1, 2025.
Game nights for Tyke (U5) and Peanut (U7) are Wednesdays, U9/11/13 are Tuesdays and Thursdays, U15 are Mondays, U17 are Wednesdays and U21 are Sundays. Older age groups may also occasionally play on Fridays. Our season runs from early May to late July, older age groups may run into early August. Schedules are subject to confirmation and will be available in late April.
Don’t know your child’s age division? Age groups are as follows: Peanut (U5) – born in 2020/2021; Tyke (U7) – born in 2018/2019; U9 – born in 2016/2017; U11 – born in 2014/2015; U13 – born in 2012/2013; U15 – born in 2010/2011; U17 – born in 2008/2009; and U21 – born in 2004/2005/2006 and 2007.
Do you have a player born in 2003 and earlier still interested in playing soccer on an Over 21 team? We are exploring if a team for this age group is an option. Please email us at embrosoccer@gmail.com and let us know you are interested.
Are you interested in joining our board of directors or helping out with Embro soccer? We are always looking for coaches and officials. No experience necessary. Please email embrosoccer@gmail.com if you are interested or have questions. We are also looking for a U9 League Organizer. Responsibilities would include: working with a user-friendly computer program to communicate with parents and coaches; creating teams and schedules; submitting a jersey order; and, being the contact person for the league and to communicate with parents. The ideal candidate a passion to see children having fun and learning soccer skills. Hopefully looking for someone to take on this position for a few years. Training would be provided, and there would be support from other board members to help when needed. This individual would not be expected to coach a U9 team. Please email embrosoccer@gmail.com if you are interested or have questions.
Please forward this information to your friends, families, and neighbours. More information can be found at embrosoccer.ca. Any questions with the registration process can be directed to embrosoccer@gmail.com. Looking forward to seeing you on the pitch in 2025!
Schedules will not be available until late April 2025. Once available, information on teams and schedules can be found here.
Registration for the 2025 summer season will open on February 1, 2025 and close on March 22 2025. Take advantage of our "Early Bird Discount" until March 1, 2025
Embro FC is a minor soccer club located in Embro, Ontario. We offer programs for players born in 2021 through until 2004. Learn more.
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